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... 本文【音頻】請移至文末領取 以上音頻由《英語周報》口語主播丁浩錄製,小編在這裡誠意推薦由丁浩主講的兩套音標課程: 【1小時突破音標重難點】 1. 由《英語周報》口語主播丁浩主講,著重講解48個國際音標中易混音標、易錯音標的正確讀法。 2. 音頻課程,共9個課時,音融於詞,詞融於句。 3. 粉絲優惠價39.9元,少喝一杯奶茶就能擁有。 【5分鐘輕鬆搞定英語音標】 1. 由《英語周報》口語主播丁浩主講,每節課5分鐘,只講一個音標,讓你迅速掌握每個音標發音要領。 2. 視頻課程,身臨其境,口型易模仿,48個音標48節課,輕鬆學習無壓力。 3. 原價199元,限時特惠99元,少吃一頓燒烤就能擁有。 ... I like how Andy Frisella put it. He said, have you done what you said you were gonna do on January 1st last year? Did you stick to your new year's resolutions? Or did you just talk about doing them? Did you just tell yourself that you were going to do it? 我喜歡Andy Frisella說的,他說,去年新年第一天你說要做的事情,你現在已經做到了嗎?你的新年決心,你堅持去做了嗎?或者,你只是說說而已?你只是跟你自己說,我會去做的? Doing anything successful, doing anything important, is going to take discipline. There's always gonna be a reason to wait. There's always gonna be a busy schedule. There's always gonna be something unexpected that happens. It's always going to be that way. 要想取得任何成功,做成任何重要的事,都需要自律。你沒有等待的理由,太忙了不是藉口,總有意料之外的事情發生,這就是生活。 You have to work through it. You have to prioritize your studying, and make it more important than everything else going on in your life. But a lot of you don't want it enough. It's easy to fall into loving the idea of something. And it's hard to fall into the habits of action, to actually achieve the grades you're aiming for. 你必須解決好這些事情。你必須把學習放在首位,讓它成為你生活中最重要的事情。但是,你們很多人,對學習的渴望並不夠強烈。我們做事情容易形成習慣,但是我們很難養成行動的習慣,我們很難獲得自己的目標成績。 ... It's not about after the vacation, or after the film, or after the YouTube video. It's about right now. People who succeed stick to the plan regardless. When you tell yourself you're going to study 4 hours tonight for your exam next week, you need to do it. 不要說,假期後再努力,看完這部電影再努力,看了這個YouTube視頻再努力。你,現在,就要開始努力。那些成功的人,無論發生了什麼事,他們都能堅持執行自己的計劃。當你跟自己說,今晚你要為下周的考試學習4個小時,你就要去做這件事。 You are all curious about what the secret is. Why certain people succeed when you don't succeed? Well, I'm gonna tell you why. Successful people, while you're whining and crying about how things are hard and why things aren't fair, guess what they're doing? They're doing the studying. 你們都很好奇,成功人士的秘訣是什麼?為什麼有些人能成功,而你卻不行?我來告訴你為什麼。在你抱怨和哭訴事情太難、太不公平的時候,你猜猜成功人士在做什麼?他們在努力學習。 You have to commit to becoming better. You have to commit to being a person of action. You have to commit to being someone who doesn't just talk, but follows through. Become someone who does, instead of someone who just talks. If you really want it, it's yours to take. 你必須努力把自己變得更優秀,你必須努力把自己變成一個行動派,你必須讓自己說到做到,而不是紙上談兵。成為一個說做就做的人,而不是整天高談闊論的人。如果你很想要一個東西,那麼你就能努力獲取它。 ... No one gives it to you or takes it away. It's yours, if you want it. It's a marathon, not a sprint. There's no fast fix to achieving extraordinary grades. There'll be days you'll be tired, even exhausted, but you continue regardless, because you don't judge it on the daily. You judge it in the long frame. 沒有人會把它送到你手裡,沒有人會把它從你這裡搶走。如果你想要它,它就是你的。這是一場馬拉松,而不是短跑。想要獲得出色的成績,沒有任何捷徑。有時候,你會感到勞累,甚至筋疲力盡,但是你依然堅持下去,因為你不是緊盯著一天兩天的努力,而是有長遠的目光。 You keep your eyes on graduation. You know there's going to be ups and downs, but you know that it's all going to be worth it. You know that when you start getting results, it's going to be worth it. You look in the mirror, and you'll say, yeah I did this. 你的目標,就是順利畢業。你知道,你會經歷起起落落,但是你也知道,這一切都是值得的。你知道,等到你開始有收穫時,就會發現一切都是值得的。你看著鏡子裡的自己,說,沒錯,我做到了! You feel this overwhelming feeling, that you』re overworking the crowd. You're overworking everybody around you. You're studying more than them. You became something. You became somebody. And once you get there, that's when you know you've done enough. 你有一種很強烈的感覺,你比別人更努力,你比周圍的所有人更努力,你比他們學得更多。你有所成就,你成為了優秀的人。一旦你做到了,你就會知道,你付出的努力已經足夠了。 ... But don't talk about it. Practice what you preach. And just do it. It won't happen overnight. It's gonna take months and months of work. Just don't quit. You keep fighting. You keep fighting no matter what. Because, trust me, on graduation day, you'll look back over the last few years and you'll realize it was worth it. 但是,不要說說而已,要為你的信仰付諸行動。行動吧!這不會一夜之間就實現,而是需要長時間的努力。不要放棄,保持奮鬥。無論發生了什麼,你都要堅持奮鬥。相信我,這是因為,到你畢業那天,回憶起過去的這幾年,你會發現,這一切都是值得的。 (文字內容來自網絡綜合整理,音頻內容系作者原創。) 責編 | 楊寧 審稿 | 李棟 校稿 | 呂放 請記得關注、點讚、轉發、收藏。 想要獲取本期節目音頻mp3,點擊右上角關注我們,主頁私信回覆:我要音頻 點擊左下方【了解更多】,免費獲取音標試聽課! ...












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